June 18th, 2015 § Comments Off on Year-End Congratulations § permalink
A Note From the Chair
As the academic year draws to a close, it is time to celebrate the achievements of faculty, guest lecturers, staff, alumni and students. Below you will see what is probably only a sample of their impressive record of publication. Please let us know if we have omitted your achievements – it is important for us to record publications and prizes to encourage our new students, already signing up for next year’s courses. Although Will Boast will be on leave in Rome next year (collectively we struggle against our envy), we’ll be welcoming Chicu Reddy and Jen Scappettone back among us, and soon will announce an extraordinary lineup of events. Enjoy the summer!
John Wilkinson
Chair of Creative Writing » Read the rest of this entry «
November 19th, 2014 § Comments Off on The Elves of Aokigahara, by Alex Filipowicz § permalink
On the morning of her tenth birthday, Maisey’s height was four and a half centimeters. Her father, the village chief, had told her to stand against the old wooden ruler in the center of town, as custom dictated. Four and a half centimeters was a good height, he said. Not too tall.
Maisey spent most of the day playing in the moss patches with her friends. They ran up and down the twisted roots that encircled the village, throwing a prayer bead around and singing.
Hey bigfruit hey!
What will you bring for me today?
Hey bigfruit hey!
Fall down from that tree right away!
When they were all tuckered out, Arnold told Maisey he had actually seen a bigfruit once. Penelope said he was lying. Everybody knew that the trees in their grove never grew bigfruit. They didn’t have the right branches. » Read the rest of this entry «